Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 came out yesterday, and I have not stopped playing it.

Graphics- 10/10
Gameplay- 10/10
Multiplayer- 10/10
Single-player- 7/10
Overall- 37/40

This game is without a doubt the best first person shooter I have ever player. The graphics look real, and the gameplay is amazing. The gameplay is very, very smooth. And DICE ironed out many of the problems, including the lag between the bullets being fired and them actually hitting

Using my Trittons I can hear everything.... Yes, I said everything. It is actually possible to hear a guy running up behind you, and the sound in this game is amazing. I can hear a tank when it is a ways away, and make sure to avoid it. Or the sound of a jet flying above. This is the first game I can say has full immersion and realism. 

The Multiplayer is amazing also. Nothing as of yet seems to be overpowered, or not balanced. Everything has a counter, and you just need to find what you play with best. 

The single-player in this game, lets face it, its subpar. It only lasts about 6 hours, and no matter what you do the enemy singles you out. I'm not kidding. You will always have the majority of the enemy shooting at you. Which makes playing on hard almost impossible. It also leaves you on a cliffhanger, which I hate.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Battlefield 3. 2 hours away.

6 years. 6 years it has been since battlefield 2 released. I have been waiting for this game for 6 years.

This is my most anticipated game ever. Im just hoping that it comes close to what bf2 did.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

8 core AMD processor?

More like it's here.

AMD just released two eight core processors, one running at 3.60 GHz, and one at 3.1 GHz. They use the AM3 socket.

The 3.60 GHz is $259 dollars, which is cheaper than the $315  Intel i7 2600k, which runs at 3.4 GHz.

The 3.1 GHz is $219.

Those prices are incredibly cheap for something with the worlds first eight cores.

The only problem is that it is the worlds first, so its ought to have some problems.

AMD was able to overclock a processor to 8.429GHz, and that was not with an 8 core. granted they used liquid helium to cool it in a way that no home user could. I'm excited to see what they get with the 8 core. 

I am buying the 3.60 GHz 8 core, as it looks insanely fast, and its exciting to own an 8 core. I was very close to buying the intel 2600k, until i saw this. 

AMD has said "With less than 100 dollars in cooling equipment, the 3.60 GHz 8 core can easily run at 5.0 GHz."

WOAH!!! 5.0 GHz EASILY? I'm sold. 

3.60 GHz:

3.1 GHz:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs died today.

Wow. Thats all I can say.

Steve was the most influential person in the technological era. He was truly an amazing person.

Steve, you will be missed

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So the battle field 3 beta is out....

Little bit late for a beta, but meh.

I think that (for pc) choosing which server you want to play on is horrid. Why couldn't they stick with the BF2 way?

I also noticed some considerable lag between when i fired my bullets, and when they hit. No, this is not ping, as I was on a 15 ping server, It seems since the game is running at 30FPS that it is just sluggish.

A lot of people are also complaining about campers. Most of this problem will be fixed with the addition of vehicles, but battlefield is battlefield, deal with it COD players.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Good bye Gears.

Yes, Gears 3 is out now. It is sad to see it go, but half of me says that its good in the fact that its ending, and not an ongoing series where it slowly gets worse and worse, but the other half of me knows that there will never be another game like gears.

Gears, in my opinion, has THE best single player campaign of any game in the modern Era. It is full of nonstop action and that fight for survival feel. It had amazing graphics, and a feel that I have never felt with anyother game. I mean come on, who doesn't like running around with a chainsaw assault rifle combo? I know I do... and I know I want one. Or trying to survive 50 waves of the horde? All extremely enjoyable.

With gears 3 also comes a new game mode similar to that of dead space 2, where in multiplayer you could play as the infected and try to kill the humans, or vise verse.
In gears this new playlist allows you to be the horde, and allows you to go after the humans. WIth each kill gaining more money, and each infected costing a different amount of money to spawn as.

Gears also has a unique 3rd person perspective, I like it, as it is a nice change from the run of the mill first person.

Im also going to mis the COG and the characters themselves, with my personal favorite being the Carmime brothers.

Well, good bye gears. You will be missed.

I want a lancer. ^

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Battlefield 3 LIVE ACTION Trailer [The Last Prayer] Fan Made

In the latest Battleblogs and trailers, battlefield has revealed many things.

One of the things that is awesome is flechette ammo for shotguns. Flechetts are little "arrows" in a shotgun round. The damage is scary. We used the in Vietnam to clear out caves.

Battlefield is also trying to make a story, like a book, for their single-player campaign as realistic as possible.

The fans have also released a couple pretty awesome fan made trailers. This is my personal favorite:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

No No No, Battlefield don't do that!

So today battlefield released a new battleblog, talking about vehicle warfare.

As I read through it, I read something that instantly made me cringe, and I have no idea why they would put this into the game.

So, apparently smaller vehicles can regenerate health.... WHY? Well there goes some of the realism in battlefield. Since when do vehicles repair themselves?

link to the blog-

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Battlefield 3: Caspian Border Gameplay

Yesterday Battlefield 3 released another trailer. This trailer features 64 players, and more vehicle warfare, including jets. It has also been confirmed that you can even customize the ammunition you use in tanks.

Everything looks real, and this is Pre-Alpha. Pre-Alpha means that this is not the finsished project yet, DICE is still working on it.

I love everything im seeing so far. Jets, Mobile AA, tanks, and a lot more.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why do parents hate computers so much?

This is the question I want answered.

I honestly do not understand what the big deal is? I think that parents have a stereotypical view of their kids on computers: that they just sit there and do nothing.

Parents are constantly nagging their children to read and get off the computer and read , but in reality, 90 percent of being on a computer is reading, wether is be reading a friends status on facebook, a blog, or doing research. Kids are reading, just in a different way than reading a novel.

Even other sites like youtube. I would say that I spend about 75 percent of my time on the computer watching videos, videos on whatever. Whether it be a commentary over a gameplay, strategy, montages, vlogs, updates, news, and much more.  I mean, I am subscribed to over 300 channels, all of which  watch.

Computers are also the way of the future. My parents always say "well I used to call people." But why call friends when you can talk to them face to face over the internet?  Is talking face to face not better than talking on the phone?

Parents also have a stereotypical view on video games in general. This is the thing that drives me crazy the most as a gamer.  Why do parents think that all one does is kill, kill, kill in video games? Do they not realize the amount of strategy and time memorizing where things are? Do they not realize the amount of teamwork is required to win? Do they not realize that it is not "melting our brains" and instead working them?

Not only that, but when a person games it is a sense of accomplishment. Why? Well because when I started in games I was terrible, but now I am much better than I was, And I am still working to get better and try to be better than the other team.

Shooter games also have things that parents do not realize. A person who is a Pro gamer at say Battlefield, will have faster reaction times and more control over his fingers. Or a pro gamer at Starcraft will have really good multi-tasking.

But non shooters like Starcraft 2 are games that... parents never notice. Starcraft is a Real time strategy game. RTS is when you face an opponent, and you react to what your opponent does. Except while doing that you build things. These games are in my opinion more of working your mind than anything else, because if your opponent builds something, you need to instantly think of a counter to what he is doing.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Battlefield 3: more realism.

In BF3 apparantly there are a couple kinds of rounds you can use in a tank, and with one of those rounds, it can pierce through buildings.

This has been confirmed from BF3's question on facebook.

Oh, and another thing about realism in BF3:

No, that is not a picture. That is a shot from BF3. When I first saw this on the battleblog,, I legitimately thought it was real. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Modern warfare 3:

Now personally I dislike how MW3 looks, but my favorite Machinma director, Seananners but it the best way: "Why is everybody so mad about Modern warfare 3 being so similar to MW2, now call me crazy but lets say for instance I like cheesecake... I have a piece of cheesecake, and then I have another piece of cheesecake, its going to taste the same, be delicious, and im going to love it."

But I think that you get into the deal og at what point do you release a new game, and at what point do you keep releasing map packs?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Modern warfare 3 trailer

Today more footage was released  for MW3.

To be honest, I think its lackluster. Very lack luster. It looks like footage from Modern warfare 2, just with new animiations. This trailer is also very... "changed." What I mean by that is that the trailer may be gameplay footage, but its doctored to look better like crazy.

Im not sure, but this game does not look... new. In addition to the lack of new features. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are games really "games" anymore?

 Video games are no longer "games" anymore. They are stories.

Some games are real life events, remade into the virtual world. Take for example Medal of Honor 2010, they had Navy Seal members tell real life situations and stories. From those stories Dice created the game.

So is it really a game? I would say no.

It's a story. A real life story. These are the things that truly intrigue me, the way that game developers can hear a story, then create it on the screen.

Even games like Mass Effect 2, which is set in the future, is still a story. Yes, made up, But it is still a story.

Battlefield 3: suppressing fire feature? This is incredible.

In my opinion, Battlefield 3 has moved from being an arcade shooter, to being a simulation of war.

This feature: suppressing fire, is something small, but is HUGE in my opinion.

“When you lay down fire in close vicinity to an enemy, the incoming barrage will show up as a graphical blur effect on his screen to stress him and let him know it’s not safe to pop out from behind cover,” Said Alan Kertz (senior designer) from EA digital illusions.

So, say you have a light machine gun,  you see a guy in the distance, and you start laying into him. Like all 200 bullets not letting go of the trigger.

Well, the guy being fired at will have an insanely awesome effect happen to him. Is what will happen is that where the bullets wiz by him, it will be distorted, much like in real life. His accuracy will also be reduced, so he cant just pop up and kill you.

This... is incredible. It almost implicates a kind of "fear" in your player. It is also true in the fact that suppressing fire is supposed to create panic.

Think about it, you are in cover, you hear a light machine gun firing away, you look up, and see the bullets wizzing by. Now thats incredible.

I mean we all are guilty in call of duty when we hear a guy running through his ammo just popping up and killing him. But in real life nobody is going to pop up when they hear an M60 chugging away.

BF3 is going to be a simulator. BF3 is going to be incredible.

All I do is keep saying to myself "can October 25 come any sooner?"

Real life zombies?

Yup, scientists have discovered a fungus that make ants zombies.

When an ant walks over this fungus, it launches spores into the ant, penetrating its exoskeleton.

From there, the spores release toxins that go to the ant's nervous system, and then the fungus controls the ant.

The ant at this point is like an RC- car, being fully controlled by this fungus.

Then, the fungus controls the ant and makes it die in a specific position in an idea place for the fungus to grow. When the ant gets to this place, the fungus kills it. Then the spores spread, and spread the fungus.

Apparently as of right now there are four types of this fungus known, but as we search more places, we could find more types of the fungus.

Now this is cool and all, but what if this fungus was modified to be able to control humans? Then spread over entire continents. We would then have real life zombies, well, they would be controlled.

This scares me. This is creepy.

Here is a link to the article:


I truly believe that there are aliens out there. Now I do not go off conspiracies that aliens have visited us to believe that aliens exist. I take a much more... scientific look at it. 

When you look at the universe, there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies, and in those galaxies you have the potential for there to be billions of stars. Around each star there could be planets. and around those planets, moons. 

So there is an astronomical amount of places that other life forms exist, so when you look at the possibilities, its astounding and almost ridiculous to think that there is nothing else out there. 

Oh, and another thing. I certainly hope that we do not get visited by aliens, reason being: even if they are completely harmless, the fact that they have the technology to get here and know that we are here... is scary. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How the game "From Dust" is interesting.

The game "from dust" is a very interesting game. A game that i have not seen before.

From dust is almost a sandbox game, but its not. The game is incredibally realistic: for example, Water erodes things! if you build a wall with water flowing next to it, it will erode that wall! its crazy!

It's really incredible. Its a game that... seems real when it comes to the way things react with other things.

or how when water and lava touch it creates rock. It really is incredible.

below is a link to a full playthrough of the game.

Gears Of War 3 to be the last of the series... :(

Unfortunately, GOW 3 has been confirmed to be the last of the series. This makes me sad, being that in my opinion the GOW franchise had the best single player campaign.

I will mostly miss the story, but I do like how they will not be ending the series on a cliffhanger. The developers have said that they will end the story in GOW3. Which is nice to know.

I hope that another team picks up on the GOW idea, but it will be hard to match.

I guess its just sad to see a series disappear and not continue on.

Battlefield 3 to use features from Medal of Honor?

Apparently, BF3 will be using some features from Medal Of Honor.

One of the major things being used is the customization of your weapon. The way Medal Of Honor allowed you to customize your weapon was by having 3 slots: A rail (where the sight goes), Barrel, and ammunition type.

I am a huge fan of the ammunition type, but I wish is was done a little better. For example: you could choose between two round types. Either larger but slower rounds which did more damage to un-armored targets, or faster but smaller rounds that did more damage to armored targets.

BF 3 has also confirmed "score chains." Which is when you have allocated a certain amount of points you get to choose one of two options: either a defensive support action, or an offensive action.

Either way I can not wait for Battlefield 3... Can October come sooner?

Why I dislike console gaming:

The reason I dislike console gaming in not in the fact of the games at all. It's how the consoles are built.

Consoles today are built on a 10 year cycle, which is great and all except for the fact that you are stuck with how powerful that console is. I mean look at the advancements that can happen in 5 years, and consoles today are not upgradable. So game developers have to work within the restrictions of that console, which could have came out 7 years ago.

PC, however, is constantly evolving. Me and my brother are building a top of the line PC right now. And it's incredibly easy to take a part out and install a new, more improved one. So game developers can make top of the line games and keep them that way.

A great example of how consoles are lagging behind is in Battlefield 3. On PC BF3 will have twice the amount of things available. Things like: 64 player combat on Pc, but 32? Or less on console. The frame rates per second are massively different, with Pc having more than double the amount on console. ect.

This is because PCs are constantly evolving, and can handle new and upcoming things, while console is stuck in the past.

Alienware Area-51 ALX Desktop

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Call of duty, Or Battlefield?

The war rages on over the question of: Call of duty, or Battlefield?

After being a gamer of both Call of duty and Battlefield, I have years of experience in both respectively.

I started in the world of call of duty all the way back in Call of duty 2. I must say, that game was fun, and still is today.

I started in Battlefield back in Battlefield 2, often abbreviated "BF2."

Through the years I have noticed that past Call of duty 4 Call of duty in general has gotton stale. I mean really, what else is there to add? Past Call of duty 4 I have also noticed that the games have been getting more and more frustrating. I mean things like the Famas in Black ops, (the newest installment to the COD franchise) How does treyarch create the most overpowered weapon in call of duty history!?!? I mean come on.

Battlefield, on the other hand, has been an enjoyable experience for me. I haven't noticed anything TOO overpowered, and nothing in any of the Battlefield games have gotton me frustrated.

 I think that battlefield has more to expand on. And with Battlefield 3 coming out this October, I can say I'm genuinely excited. I can't wait!

Gaming headsets?

I have been a gamer my whole life. Even back to the days of gamecube.

Most of that time I was listening to the game through the TV speakers, as the majority of the gaming community does. But, I have since discovered the wonders of owning a gaming headset.

I currently own Tritton AX Pros. And I must say, they are a dream. Beautiful 5.1 dobly surround, no Turtle beach buzz. And extreme comfort, even for long term gaming sessions.

There are a couple outstanding features:

One of the best features about the AX Pros is that they can hook up to virtually ANYTHING. PC, Mac, PS3, And Xbox.

The feature I love the most is the ability to turn up the voices of the people you are playing with, and turn down the game voloum. And vise versa.

They also look beautiful. I'm not kidding. I skype with them and get compliments on how they look with the glowing TTs on each side.

There's only one downfall to the AX pros: and that is the cords. Matter the fact: the AX Pros need an outlet to work.

Even with the few downfalls, I could not recommend the trittons more. They are truly great.

Nvidia GTX 600 releasing soon?

Yes, it has been confirmed. The Nvidia Geforce 600 is scheduled to come out in Quarter 4 of 2011.

Nvidia and ATI are the real heavy hitters of the graphical world, but ATI will be disbanding at the end of 2011. But even then, Nvidia has always been my favorite of the two.

I personally think that Nvidia is rushing. They are pumping products and they keep getting better and better. But, the Nvidia 590 has only been out for a couple of months, and has not had time to mature.

Even the 580 is still young, and very very powerful.

I am VERY excited to see just how powerful the 600 will be. But just as I save enough money to buy it, they will probably be coming out with the Geforce 700 at the rate they are going.

Best hot fudge sunday in New York State?

I am going to have to give this award to the Pied Piper in Old Forge, New York.

They have the perfect amount of fudge and whipcream. All adding up to make a great sunday.