Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Battlefield 3 to use features from Medal of Honor?

Apparently, BF3 will be using some features from Medal Of Honor.

One of the major things being used is the customization of your weapon. The way Medal Of Honor allowed you to customize your weapon was by having 3 slots: A rail (where the sight goes), Barrel, and ammunition type.

I am a huge fan of the ammunition type, but I wish is was done a little better. For example: you could choose between two round types. Either larger but slower rounds which did more damage to un-armored targets, or faster but smaller rounds that did more damage to armored targets.

BF 3 has also confirmed "score chains." Which is when you have allocated a certain amount of points you get to choose one of two options: either a defensive support action, or an offensive action.

Either way I can not wait for Battlefield 3... Can October come sooner?

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