Friday, July 27, 2012

Graphene Processors

Graphene processors are soon to replace Silicon processors. They only problem is taming this beast.

Graphene was discovered back in 04, and ever since then CPU manufacturer have been all over it.

You think your 3770k Overclocked to 5.0 GHZ is fast? Well, I think graphene at 100GHZ is a lot, lot faster. And yes, that is real.

We are in the begging stages of this new material, and for all we know molybdenite may overthrow grapehene.

There is one major problem with graphene and that is that we cant turn it off... we have yet to figure out how to. But thats okay, right?

The worlds first grapehene processor has already been made. And my god does it look amazing.

Heres a link to the related article:

See, that processor looks incredible.

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