Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 came out yesterday, and I have not stopped playing it.

Graphics- 10/10
Gameplay- 10/10
Multiplayer- 10/10
Single-player- 7/10
Overall- 37/40

This game is without a doubt the best first person shooter I have ever player. The graphics look real, and the gameplay is amazing. The gameplay is very, very smooth. And DICE ironed out many of the problems, including the lag between the bullets being fired and them actually hitting

Using my Trittons I can hear everything.... Yes, I said everything. It is actually possible to hear a guy running up behind you, and the sound in this game is amazing. I can hear a tank when it is a ways away, and make sure to avoid it. Or the sound of a jet flying above. This is the first game I can say has full immersion and realism. 

The Multiplayer is amazing also. Nothing as of yet seems to be overpowered, or not balanced. Everything has a counter, and you just need to find what you play with best. 

The single-player in this game, lets face it, its subpar. It only lasts about 6 hours, and no matter what you do the enemy singles you out. I'm not kidding. You will always have the majority of the enemy shooting at you. Which makes playing on hard almost impossible. It also leaves you on a cliffhanger, which I hate.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Battlefield 3. 2 hours away.

6 years. 6 years it has been since battlefield 2 released. I have been waiting for this game for 6 years.

This is my most anticipated game ever. Im just hoping that it comes close to what bf2 did.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

8 core AMD processor?

More like it's here.

AMD just released two eight core processors, one running at 3.60 GHz, and one at 3.1 GHz. They use the AM3 socket.

The 3.60 GHz is $259 dollars, which is cheaper than the $315  Intel i7 2600k, which runs at 3.4 GHz.

The 3.1 GHz is $219.

Those prices are incredibly cheap for something with the worlds first eight cores.

The only problem is that it is the worlds first, so its ought to have some problems.

AMD was able to overclock a processor to 8.429GHz, and that was not with an 8 core. granted they used liquid helium to cool it in a way that no home user could. I'm excited to see what they get with the 8 core. 

I am buying the 3.60 GHz 8 core, as it looks insanely fast, and its exciting to own an 8 core. I was very close to buying the intel 2600k, until i saw this. 

AMD has said "With less than 100 dollars in cooling equipment, the 3.60 GHz 8 core can easily run at 5.0 GHz."

WOAH!!! 5.0 GHz EASILY? I'm sold. 

3.60 GHz:

3.1 GHz:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs died today.

Wow. Thats all I can say.

Steve was the most influential person in the technological era. He was truly an amazing person.

Steve, you will be missed